About Me
Hi there! I’m Eddy, and I want to welcome you to Gentleweight.com
I decided to build this site when I found myself wanting to buy a weighted blanket; there seemed to be no reliable and unbiased resources that had all information I needed before doing so.
In Gentleweight, I hope to lend a helping hand to anyone out there who isn’t sure about what they might be looking for in regards to weighted blankets or clothing (or if there’s a possibility it might help them feel a bit better), and to showcase some of the possible the restorative and rejuvenative features of these kinds of products.
Gentleweight’s purpose is to gather every little piece of content in relation to weighted blankets, make it as transparent and complete as possible.
It doesn’t matter where you come from, your condition, or needs; if you feel like the comforting protection and relaxation capabilities of these cozy partners might be for you, you’ll probably be interested in the content here.
Everything from Asperger’s syndrome sensory integration therapy, to their potential benefits for elderly people with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia, we’ll make sure you get researched information from verified sources. As well as giving you some ideas if you are planning to get the perfect weighted blanket for you or your loved ones.
Just to let you know, I’m not a doctor, or a health specialist, not even a weighted products manufacturer. I’m just a guy who knows how good it feels to grab a nap under a weighted blanket, and I wanted to help other people learn about these benefits.